Are you Smarter Than a Data Quality Report?

Do you know the state of your data? Is it accurate and complete? How much of it is usable and how much of it needs to be cleansed? Most of our customers don’t have a quick answer to these questions. You may understand that there are issues with your data usability,...

How your CMMS and EAM Systems can Improve Return on Assets

Your company has heavily invested in its assets and your goal is to see these assets work effectively by generating revenue and cycling money back into the business. Calculating the return on assets can help you to benchmark your company’s profitability. This ratio of...

5 Secrets to Destroying Information Silos

In asset-intensive organizations, communication breakdowns between engineering and operations teams are extremely common, yet is an issue that will continue to persist if the right resources are not implemented. These breakdowns, also known as information silos, occur...