Turn EAM / CMMS Data Nightmares into Dreams Come True!

Although asset-intensive organizations rely heavily on data in their EAM or CMMS systems, it’s the maintenance practices that keep businesses running and profitable. Hence, when poor quality data is at the forefront, the effects are often most apparent within the...

Maintenance Planning with Bad EAM Data?

Asset-intensive organizations rely heavily on their Engineering and Maintenance Planning teams to help facilitate large project roll-outs. These groups must capture, organize, and manage vast amounts of maintenance, engineering, and design data for the assets involved...

5 Secrets to Destroying Information Silos

In asset-intensive organizations, communication breakdowns between engineering and operations teams are extremely common, yet is an issue that will continue to persist if the right resources are not implemented. These breakdowns, also known as information silos, occur...

The Top Causes of Poor Quality EAM Data

With the rise of international competition and market globalization, enormous pressure has been placed on corporations to improve efficiency and reliability while reducing operating costs. As a result, asset-intensive organizations have invested billions of dollars...