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Is AI overhyped? Should it be feared?

Is AI overhyped? Chances are, you have seen a picture of robots working in restaurants or in hotels taking over human jobs. The common misconception is that robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) will eventually or inevitably replace human workers. This seems to be...

Can Your Data Catch Fire?

To start things off I just want to clarify the difference between data Digitization and Digitalization as they can be mistaken from one another from time to time. Data digitization is creating a digital version of physical things such as paper documents and...

How Digital Immaturity Surges Gas Prices

In the last blog, we talked about the rising cost of compliance issues. But how is an everyday consumer affected by the expensive compliance issues? According to CTV, summer 2018 fuel prices may reach a 10-year high. While the article outlines a key reason behind the...

How cloud computing is changing the world of EAM

Most of us use cloud computing on a day-to-day basis for personal use with our smartphones, tablets and laptop.  Platforms such as Netflix, Twitter, Facebook, and others are upsetting many traditional business models. Cloud computing is also changing the business...