Detox Your EAM Data in 3 Easy Steps

Have you looked through your EAM data recently and realized that it is difficult to analyze and identify inaccuracies? When your EAM data is all over the place, it is hard to make the necessary adjustments when automating a cleansing process. Detoxing your data will...

It Is Not Difficult to Cleanse Your Data!

Is your company dealing with poor data? Don’t worry, you can cleanse your data! We know that poor data can drastically increase your companies’ maintenance costs. It can also tremendously affect your organization when your company experiences unexpected downtime at...

Repairing Data Can Be Quite Easy

Having complete and accurate data is the ideal situation in many asset-intensive companies. But even if your asset and maintenance data may be complete and accurate now, over time, it’ll begin to degrade as assets are upgraded or decommissioned. You must be constantly...

What Good are KPIs when Your Data is DOA

As the late Peter Drucker once said, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.” This is a great concept, and one that is crucial to maintenance. After all, how can you continuously improve and sustain effective maintenance processes if you are unable to...