6 Benefits of Master Data Management

Is your asset and maintenance master data accurate and fit for purpose? Based on our experience, most executives at asset intensive companies are unaware of the poor state of their asset and maintenance master data and the negative effects on their business...

Causes of Downtime in Manufacturing

Downtime is any period of time when a machine is not in production. Downtime is one of the most critical challenges of manufacturing and one of the main sources of lost production time. Downtime affects businesses across all industries. There are many reasons why...

Industry 4.0 Reduces Your Downtime

What is Industry 4.0? Industry 4.0 is the latest industrial revolution, also known as the fourth industrial revolution. Industry 4.0 revolves around adopting technologies in the manufacturing businesses that involves automation, data and machine learning. While...

Gaining Management Approval on Data Cleansing Projects

Asset-intensive companies that are on the lookout for ways to improve the functionality of their EAM (Enterprise Asset Management) or CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management Systems) often run into the same issue: employees find a solution that works for them but...