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NRX Rebrand to Hubhead

In any business career there aren’t many opportunities to undertake a corporate rebrand. With the recent acquisition of NRX we were fortunate to be presented with that unique opportunity. NRX Global had a great brand with their AssetHub software which provides customers with a master data solution for Enterprise Asset Management (EAM). AssetHub is flexible software used widely in the Oil, Gas and Rail Transportation industries. Some of the world’s largest companies leverage AssetHub across both in-house and cloud hosted computers.

There are many reasons to do a re-branding. In the NRX case, AssetHub represented the company’s core tech. The Hub concept is also central to the software’s function. The Head abbreviation is used widely in our industries, and it is an idea we like since our team spends lots of time thinking about our customer’s challenges. I first started work in the Oil business, on North exploration rigs in the Beaufort Sea, in the era of Coots and Boots. Those world famous Wildcatter’s were regularly called in to deal with the deadliest Wellhead fires and explosions. As early as the 1920’s Blow-Out Preventers (BOPs) became critical wellhead assets and saved rig workers lives. In the 1970’s BOPs were improved substantially and have steadily evolved since then. From the Wellhead, to the Railhead to the Pump Head, there are critical assets across the up-stream oil business.

Today the problems of the Oil, Gas and Rail industries are getting a bigger profile and are increasing in importance. We are seeing that daily in the media. The concept of a master Enterprise AssetHub is also becoming more and more important. The inherent risk of asset failures has increased. The monitoring of computerized maintenance schedules, and asset master data is becoming a critical, business success factor.

So welcome to HubHead. We are convinced once you hear our new corporate name and understand where we are headed as a company, you will never forget it. HubHead is an exciting new re-start that is thinking deeply about how we can help our customers revolutionize their industries. We will continue to leverage the AssetHub brand and software solution. We also want to help our customers make their businesses more predictable and safer. With break-throughs in Big Data, Machine Learning and Master Data Management we expect to help our customer’s improve their business.

Over the next few months we will be communicating more. More about our vision, more about our thinking, more about the challenges and solutions we see in the business. HubHeaders are excited by this important opportunity.

Good or bad, let me know what you think.

Update: Here is a press release from us discussing the acquisition of NRX.
Nigel Stokes | @MindAngler
Chairman & CEO
HubHead Corp.
or if you like, Chief HubHeader!

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