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The Cost of Unexpected Downtime

Ever had your computer crash on you after spending hours of inputting data? You lose all the hard work and progress you made, and it can dramatically slow you down.  That’s exactly what an unexpected downtime does to your businesses, but on a much larger scale....

Gaining Management Approval on Data Cleansing Projects

Asset-intensive companies that are on the lookout for ways to improve the functionality of their EAM (Enterprise Asset Management) or CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management Systems) often run into the same issue: employees find a solution that works for them but...

Can you outsmart a data quality report?

Most asset-intensive companies understand the problems with their data usability, but don’t know the severity of inaccuracies in their CMMS or EAM system. This can lead to inefficient downtime, slow audits and wrench time wasted. If you cannot identify the areas...

Detox Your EAM Data in 3 Easy Steps

Have you looked through your EAM data recently and realized that it is difficult to analyze and identify inaccuracies? When your EAM data is all over the place, it is hard to make the necessary adjustments when automating a cleansing process. Detoxing your data will...

Repairing Data Can Be Quite Easy

Having complete and accurate data is the ideal situation in many asset-intensive companies. But even if your asset and maintenance data may be complete and accurate now, over time, it’ll begin to degrade as assets are upgraded or decommissioned. You must be constantly...