Better Maintenance BOMs = Better Company

When Asset-Intensive companies need to order parts maintenance BOMs, usually maintenance workers have to track vendor maintenance documents or the spare parts list and manually figure out what is needed. There are endless possibilities but very few effective solutions...

Maintenance BOMs Will Save Your Life!

Yes! You heard us, better maintenance BOMs will save your companies’ life. But what is a bill of material exactly? Well, in an EAM system, an equipment BOM captures spare part information for a piece of equipment. This information is used during maintenance to...

I Build BOMs (Be careful where you say that)!

At NRX, we help customers lower the cost of building BOMs.  AssetHub lets you create, edit, visualize, review, and approve BOMs efficiently. The solution is highly visual and allows for easy identification and selection of parts. Using AssetHub, you can copy and paste...